The water fuel! (hydrogen)

The Hydrogen fuel!

What is hydrogen?

Hello and welcome to another upload. This is of course me, UnleadedPencil's Blog on what is hydrogen and what I have found while researching it. 

   I'm sure you have all heard or read or even researched hydrogen in one way shape or another. It is one of the big blocks on the periodic table. If you don't know what that is I can save that for another time. Or i Could do the history on it and how it came into being. 

How to Learn About the Chemistry of the Hydrogen Atom: 12 StepsAll images

But! For the sake of this blog let's keep out of the way for now for a later date. Hydrogen, we know and see it in our everyday lives. It's in the air we breathe and the water we drink even the peroxide we use to clean cuts. By itself it is a propulsive or explosive chemical compound. It is very flammable so don't acquire it. It Is very dangerous in an unsafe environment. 


So, hydrogen is number 1 on the periodic table. Now by natural conclusion it is first of the periodic table along with several dozens of different elements on it. Hydrogen alone is a combustible thing as I said earlier. There are hundreds of videos of "trained professionals" that make the stuff on YouTube to make bottle rockets. Entirely scientific experimental purposes of course.

And along with bottle rockets there's articles saying that companies are trying to mass produce hydrogen vehicles for a cleaner burning product to save the environment from the intoxication we are causing in our own air. There have been kits (specially made bolt-on easy attachments) that can make hydrogen for vehicles so that you can convert it to a gasoline hydrogen mix so you could have both a cleaner running engine and save on miles per gallon

Hydrogen generator types: 

The stuff that cars use when burning hydrogen is a byproduct of water when the molecules get separated. So, in conclusion you can burn water! It sounds crazy I know, but you can burn water! 

This post explains it better then I can, saying: "Hydrogen forms positive ions, and oxygen forms negative ions. We use this to our advantage by using an electric field to pull the water molecules apart.
By placing two electrodes (metal plates) into water we can create an electric field between them by connecting them to the terminals of a battery or power supply." And this process is called Hydrolysis   

diy hho generator plans - Do It Your SelfHow To Make Hydrogen Generator At Home | Water Electrolysis | - YouTube

Now this specific topic is very controversial. some people hate the idea because the engine was not designed to do this, but in typical fashion there are people that have done this and even gone even further to make their vehicles completely hydrogen powered. Another thing that stops companies from doing this is because of the cost of mass production for hydrogen powered cars. Their is also a lack of attraction to the population and the proper backing from the government.

The systems we are talking about today are called dry cell and wet cell hydrogen genertators.

Now, from my understanding of dry cell hydrogen generators (now going to refer to them as DC-HG for short) is that the actual component that creates the hydrogen has a little water in it but not enough to drown the comnponents. The hydrolysis is done through , but it has a separate resovior of water to pump more in incraments to make a super efficient DC-HG generator. But, you may think is a WC-HG (Wet Cell-Hydrogen Generator) in reverse where all the water and the hydrogen creation components are in one unit? if you thought this you are correct! instead of a sepparate resavior with a pump. you pour the water in the system like a built in unit. its not as effective at creating hydrogen but it saves space and can be affective using the right parts when making or buying one. 

This is it for the blog. I'm in a time crunch in life right now so sorry thier is no badge for this topic today their will be a cute animal badge soon when i get around to updating this topic... 


For reading all the way till the end. And comment if thier is any questions on this. And I mean any. Again thank you and I'll try to post more regularly. 

Posted: oct, 6, 2024   




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